Some experiences

Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence
Machine Learning & Artificial Intelligence Cliente: Eurocontrol BACK Micro-service oriented systems to provide our models Custom Hardware Implementations Modelos de IA potenciados por implementaciones personalizadas en FPGA y GPU (CUDA) Procesamiento de Imágenes a través

Microelectronics and Digital Design
Microelectrónica y Diseño Digital Cliente: Eurocontrol VOLVER Prototipado de algoritmos en FPGA Ecualizador de Decisión Feedforward Adaptativa Filtros FIR e IIR Generador de Ruido Gaussiano Recuperación de portadora Viterbi-Viterbi Recuperación de Portadora mediante Decisiones Ecualizador

Microelectronics and Digital Design
In the field of embedded systems, we specialize in various applications. For satellite systems, we work with FPGA, Leon III, and MicroBlaze technologies.

Microelectronics and Digital Design
We’ve worked on coherent optical communications transceivers, achieving multi-gigabit speeds from 10 to 600 Gbps. Our expertise covers single and multi-carrier systems, with VLSI implementation for enhanced performance.